Bethel Newsletter

Please see below the newest Bethel Newsletter.  Editor is Kathy Layfield (TC Member).  If anyone has a contribution for the newsletter, please contact Kathy Layfield.

Bethel Newsletter June 1, 2024

Cyber Security Info
The State and Local Cyber Security Grant Program (SLCGP) has offered assistance to address
prevention for cyber attacks and hacking for the Town of Bethel. Martha Hawkins and I attended a
Zoom meeting with Joseph Hughes (Delaware Legal Local Govt) to discuss the concerns including
updating our firewall, external hard drive upgrades and other potential vulnerabilities. There is a
$6000.00 grant allocated for the Town for the first year and financial assistance in the future.

Election Coming Up
There is an election coming up in February for two seats for the Town Council. All residents over
the age of 18 are encouraged to file for a seat. The dates for deadlines for filing are on our
website at The terms are for three years currently held by Vern Proctor and
Kevin Phillips. As always there are openings for various committees such as Planning and Zoning in
need of volunteers.

Nanticoke Watershed Alliance
The Town is currently partnering with the Nanticoke Watershed Alliance to maintain the water
gardens located on Main St, Moore St. and the triangle at the entrance of Bethel. The purpose of
the water gardens is to filter the direct runoff from the streets, fields, and lawns with plants
before the water enters Broad Creek and the aquafers. The overall goal for the Alliance is to monitor and improve the quality of
Chesapeake Bay and other estuaries.  I suggested this partnership to the Council since it would save the Town costs for maintenance and
eliminate the use of herbicides. The Alliance plants indigenous and noninvasive vegetation.

Town Tax Bills For 2025
Town tax bills will be mailed on August 1, 2024 and due September 30ᵗʰ. The town office hours are
Wednesdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Upgrades at the Playground
I approached the Town Council to consider contributing funds to the Bethel Historical Society for
upgrades to the playground/recreation area at the museum. The Town voted to contribute $10,600 to
restore the ballfield which will also be used for soccer. The ballfield is being completely
renovated and can also be used for soccer. Other new equipment was added, and old items repaired or

The BHS has shared the property on First Street with the town residents for recreation and events.
Remember to contact the Town Hall for permits for fences, roof replacements, new construction and
other home improvement projects. The office phone number is (302)877-8139.

If you have an announcement you want to place in future newsletters, please contact Kathy at

Published By K. Layfield (Solely responsible for content) Bethel Town Council